Thursday, August 16, 2007

One Man's Dream

I close my eyes and drift into a new world... with the Piano composition.. One Man's Dream. Like a feather we dance, take circles at the most gentle breeze... i feel as if the music is emerging like a fountain from beautiful.. so soothing.. it fills me.. and shows up on my face in the form of a for no reason.. or just for the reason so important, so obvious that I have almost lost the touch with the world around... tune is neither happy nor sad... is it compassionate? yeah... I think it is... we drift along..touching the grass so green that I pick up a little green.. we move ahead to the vast meadows and then to mountains which appear as if they are in deep meditation... we reach the top of the mountains... I look around..what fills the air is peace which you c on the face of a sleeping child.. something that I have not even begun to understand... with this tune as I drift, it appears as if with everything around and the reason within, we are timeless.. like One Man's Dream!

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