Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Living a PG life..

Living a PG (paying guest's) life... is an experience indeed! Considering the fact that this is the first time I am staying away from home for a long time, my mom was worried (a lot!! :P) and me curious...
My PG accommodation hunt dint have a very encouraging start. My friend and I visited some places but they were all sad considering that I am pretty finicky bout things like clean surroundings and all..Friend who accompanied me belongs to the same species in this matter so we quickly rejected all of them. At the end of the day we returned.. tired, lil shocked ( by the kind of places tht we saw) and frustrated as we could manage to c only 3 places.. (c, how output oriented we have become.. thanks to the corporate world!! hee hee.. :P ) The next day, my mom and I set out to look for a PG accommodation after a heavy lunch (stupid thing to do!) Thankfully, the first place we visited, satisfied all our conditions. So.. this is the place where I stay now.. a lil bungalow, with big evergreen trees around :) I share my room with another girl who works in IT. Best part being that she is on the phone 90% of the times ( for the reason we all know ;) ) giving me loads of space.. :)I can do things in my own style ( I have purposely used this word :p ) without getting any comments :)
Another thing which I would like to mention which is trying to become an integral part of my PG life is Cooking... Considering my great enthusiasm... its still trying :P Believe it or not, but I actually plan as to which vegetables I am to buy on my looooooooong (approx 1.5hrs) journey back home (whenever I decide to cook :P ). To put it on records, I HAVE COOKED 4 times!! ( I feel triumphant as I say this) and ppl liked it :D
I have to mention my NEW FRIENDS.. everyone talks about the Human friends... I will try n be lil adventurous here.. no fun in doing what everyone does, right? So.. we have a million ants, house lizards and a humongous rat ( who visits us every night.. I really admire the consistency!!!). The time I got to know my this new friend, I was zapped as he banged against my foot and ran off ( consider the fact that I have not even seen big cockroaches in my Pune ka ghar!) ! I still don't know the exact number of lizards.. no one knows for that matter as every time, there is a new one! I am trying to accept their presence still...
Overall its fun.. trying my hand at cooking, watching any crap on TV, chatting with other PG mates late night and yess... getting to know my NEW FRIENDS :P hee hee..


dimaagee keedaa :) said...

way to go girl.... the best way of lookin at it is an adventure...

they talk of co'existence of living beings...

they also talk of survival of the fittest :)

Jaydeep H said...

besht aahe !
all the best for your future adventures :)

Deino said...

Interesting! Bangalore is one place where each one of us has a WELCOME STORY (the first month of experience)
we crib, we enjoy and in the end...we just get used to it...I suppose there is one more experience to come in..THE AUTO STORY (The Auto drivers):D Will wait for that